I’ve been fortunate to be working with a new publishing client recently, Summersdale, who create books to inform, entertain and inspire. I’ve been working on a number of book cover design projects, which have been great fun. They are also a lovely client to work with, so yay! These designs won’t be published for a while but I couldn’t wait to share them, so these images are mock ups for now, soz! More ‘proper’ photos to come when they are published. I’m sure you will have seen some of Summersdale’s other books in the cool shops in Brighton and the like, but if not then here are three of my highlights:
Tired of those irritating niggles in life? Then this book would be for you: Life Hacks – There really are some very nifty tips in there. I think it gives the same pleasure as looking through the Lakeland catalogue and thinking ‘why’ but then thinking ‘but that’s genius, I must have it’. I can assure you though that I do not own any of their slate products, especially not THIS. Have they not heard of We Want Plates? Honestly…
Get bored on the loo? Then this is for you! 52 Things To Do While You Poo – They say “Perching on the porcelain can be very boring when you have nothing to do but poo. But fear no more, as excretion expert Hugh Jassburn has put together a compendium of entertaining activities and informative fun that will make you want to stay put, even if you don’t need to go. Doing a number two will never be the same again.” I say “a most amusing ’emergency’ present for any man in your life.” Stereotypes noted.
This book will make you feel less sh*t. It says so in the title. I’ve no idea what’s in it as it’s not published until November but as they say “Hey! You’re doing a great job but it’s OK to need some help. With strengthening statements, witty quotes and self-care tips, this little book is here to help you love and care for yourself.” Which sounds just lovely.